The Impact of Fertilizer Use on Oahu's Farms: Best Practices for Sustainable Agriculture

Learn about best management practices for sustainable agriculture on Oahu's farms and how fertilizer use impacts agricultural production. Find out how to ensure your crops are receiving the nutrients they need without having a negative impact on the environment.

The Impact of Fertilizer Use on Oahu's Farms: Best Practices for Sustainable Agriculture

For decades, the sugar industry was a major success in Kauai, Oahu, and the island of Hawaii. However, thousands of acres of sugarcane land have since been abandoned. To help out geographically disadvantaged producers in Hawaii, Alaska, and island areas, the government has implemented a reimbursement program to cover part of the cost of transporting agricultural products or inputs used to produce an agricultural product. The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Strategic Agricultural Plan for the Southwest Pacific Region has identified agriculture as the main source of contamination for the country's groundwater, surface water, and coastal waters.

This has led to an increased focus on how fertilizer use is impacting agricultural production on Oahu's farms. Fertilizers are essential for crop production and are used to supplement soil nutrients. They are typically composed of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. When used correctly, fertilizers can help increase crop yields and improve soil health. However, when used in excess or improperly applied, they can have a negative impact on the environment. Excessive fertilizer use can lead to nutrient runoff into nearby bodies of water.

This can cause algal blooms that deplete oxygen levels in the water and lead to fish kills. It can also lead to eutrophication, which is an increase in nutrients that causes an overgrowth of aquatic plants and algae. This can reduce water clarity and block sunlight from reaching deeper waters. In addition to environmental impacts, excessive fertilizer use can also reduce crop yields. When too much fertilizer is applied, it can cause nutrient burn which can damage crops and reduce yields.

It can also lead to increased weed growth which can compete with crops for resources. As an expert in sustainable agriculture, I strongly recommend that farmers on Oahu follow best management practices when applying fertilizers. This includes using soil tests to determine the amount of fertilizer needed for each crop and applying it at the right time and rate. Farmers should also consider using alternative sources of nutrients such as compost or manure. By following best management practices when applying fertilizers, farmers can ensure that their crops are receiving the nutrients they need without having a negative impact on the environment or reducing crop yields. This will help ensure that Oahu's farms remain productive and sustainable for years to come.