What Types of Livestock are Raised on Oahu's Farms?

Learn about the types of livestock raised on Oahu's farms, including cattle, pigs, sugar cane, coffee, and pineapple. Find out how the weather can affect your activities and tours.

What Types of Livestock are Raised on Oahu's Farms?

The Aloha State is renowned for its greenhouse and nursery products, but there are many other agricultural products that are important to the economy of Oahu.


, pigs, sugar cane, coffee, and pineapple are all grown on the island. Macadamia nuts are also a major crop, with Hawaii ranking sixth in the country for nut sales. In addition to these crops, livestock is also raised on Oahu.

Dairy and egg farms are the most common, with approximately 4,000 heads of cattle being slaughtered each year. These animals graze on neighboring islands as well as on Oahu itself. Visitors to Oahu should be aware of how the weather can affect their activities and tours. It is important to plan ahead and be prepared for any changes in the weather.